Bronze Gift bells and hand bells, personalize the large size bell with custom letters around the rim Bronze Gift Bells

Personalized Hand Bells and Farm Bells     Pure Bronze Ships Bell and Door Bell   

M306 lettered bell. Includes Bracket

M306 lettered bell with Christian cross icon at rim.

Detail of nautical rim on unlettered M306 bell

M306 Bronze Farm Bell: Base Price $225.00 4 3/4" diameter (120mm), includes bracket.  Can be personalized! (pictured at left, lettered)
Choose Lettering Option

Enter Custom Lettering in Upper Case

Special Icons on Rim
No Icons
Christian Cross - Add $35.00
Marriage Cross - Add $35.00
Wedding Rings - Add $35.00
Firefighters Maltese Cross - Add $35.00
Heart at rim - Add $35.00
Music Notes at rim - Add $35.00

Special Instructions


M307 - no lettering, natural handle

M307 - 7 letters at rim, natural handle

M307 Hand Bell, more info Click here


M307 Bronze Hand BellBase Price $225.00 4 3/4" diameter (120mm). 8" tall with handle included, 3 5/8" tall without handle. (Bell pictured at left, lettered with natural handle). Same bell as the M306, but with a handle instead of a bracket.

Unlettered hand bells are in stock for quick shipment. Simply choose no letters and add to cart.

The M307 Hand Bell can be personalized!   If you order a custom bell you can choose a natural or black painted handle, lettering at the rim and/or an icon at the rim. Select your options below and Add to Cart.


Choose Lettering Option

Enter Custom Lettering in Upper Case

Special Icons on Rim
No Icons
Christian Cross - Add $35.00
Marriage Cross - Add $35.00
Wedding Rings - Add $35.00
Firefighters Maltese Cross - Add $35.00
Heart at rim - Add $35.00
Music note at rim - Add $35.00

Choose Handle Color if ordering a custom lettered bell:(unlettered bells in stock have a natural color handle as pictured)


The beautiful bronze bells below are in stock and can not be lettered.
M107 Medium School Bell:  3 3/4" diameter at rim, large wooden handle. 7 3/4" high with handle, 3" to top of bell. Nice bell with a great big handle and beautiful song. $115



Order Ships Bell

M305 Bronze Ships Bell: 4" diameter, includes bracket $115.00 (shown left)

*order larger and customizable gift bells at the top of this page, or click here to view ship, estate and heirloom bells.



M305 Ships Bell

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